Comprehensive dementia care centre

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Avd. Martínez Garrido, 21. Interior 36205 – Vigo

Phone: 986 22 97 97


Opening hours: monday to friday from 9:00 to 19:00

At the end of 2011, AFAGA started up the Comprehensive Care Centre for Alzheimer’s patients and other dementias, located in premises owned by Vigo City Council*.

Among the programmes and services carried out at the centre, aimed at users, the following stand out:

Family support programmes:

  • Reception Programme
  • Programme of information and advice on technical aids
  • Individualised psychological care
  • Mutual Aid Groups
  • Legal advice
  • Information, guidance and advice on social procedures and resources
  • Social procedures

Training activities:

  • Courses for relatives and carers
  • Courses for volunteers
  • Technical conferences for professionals
  • Courses for care in the family environment for people with dementia
  • Internal training programme for employees

Intervention with patients in the mild phase:

In stimulation workshops, work is carried out in small groups and by levels of ability, which allows users to interact and maintain social skills.

*The use of the premises is carried out by Decree of the Mayor dated 25 March 2011, entitled “Authorisation for the precarious use of municipal premises to the Association of Relatives of Alzheimer’s patients and other dementias of Galicia (AFAGA)”, which involves the use of 352.71 square metres of the premises with inventory number 1816.

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