Neuroactive Centre路 Alzheimer's and Dementias 路 Tui

afaga alzheimer logo centros neuroactivos

Carretera Baiona, 20. (Antiga escola de Chan) 36713-Chan Randufe

Phone: 986 604 080

At the “Baixo Mi帽o” Alzheimer’s care centre in Tui, cognitive and functional stimulation workshops are offered to all users. In the stimulation workshops, work is carried out in small groups and by levels of ability, which allows users to interact and maintain social skills.

The programmes that are developed are

  • Psychostimulation
  • Cognitive stimulation
  • Motor stimulation with an occupational therapist.
  • Functional stimulation with a physiotherapist
  • Labour therapy
  • Music therapy
  • Health monitoring
afaga alzheimer logo cultiva a mente

We also have nine ‘Cultiva a Mente’ cognitive impairment prevention workshop groups.

afaga alzheimer imagen contacto

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