Psychological care

The psychological care programme offers the following services:

1. Psychological care for family carers of people with Alzheimer’s or other dementia for the prevention and management of physical, psychological and social alterations derived from the tasks of caregiving. It includes, from a bio-psycho-social perspective, a series of actions aimed at accompanying them during the course of the disease.

afaga alzheimer atencion psicologica


  • Offer emotional support to the family member after the diagnosis and throughout the course of the disease
  • Promoting acceptance and optimal coping with the disease
  • Promoting self-care
  • Addressing conflicts and modifying maladaptive behaviours
  • Prevent harmful psychological alterations, proposing alternative responses that are compatible with the care of the patient
  • Managing negative emotions and states of overload that arise as a result of caring for the patient
  • Identify the current stage of the illness in the family member and the characteristics that it presents, in order to encourage the family member to understand the ‘illness’ and the ‘sick person’ and to act in the most appropriate way in relation to the corresponding characteristics
  • To promote communication skills, organisation of care and teamwork in the family care environment
  • To accompany the bereavement process

2. Group interventions for family caregivers that help to improve the quality of life, resilience and mood of caregivers of people with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias. At AFAGA we develop different scientifically backed models of our own creation based on therapeutic and psycho-educational methodology.


  • To provide family caregivers with tools that allow them to understand and accept the disease, favouring a good adaptation to the new situation
  • To accompany and help to manage emotions related to the role of caregiver
  • To provide knowledge and promote appropriate resources to cope with the day-to-day life of this disease
  • Sharing experiences and fostering social relationships to avoid isolation

3. Psychological care for people with mild dementia to offer a support service to people suffering from some type of dementia, to express emotions and to accompany them in the process of initial acceptance of the diagnosis, as well as to provide practical guidelines to make their day-to-day life as independent and stimulating as possible.


  • To provide an intimate space for the person with dementia to unburden their emotions
  • To provide simple and understandable information adapted to the individual’s doubts about the disease
  • To offer guidelines for coping with the difficulties that may arise in everyday life
  • To manage and manage family complications between the person with dementia and his or her care environment.


  • From the Reception programme (Social Worker)
  • Internal referral from other AFAGA programmes
  • At their own request

More info:

  • Phone: +34 986 22 97 97
  • E-mail:
afaga alzheimer imagen contacto

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